Saturday, September 12, 2009

Energy Efficiency for Big Windows

If you are living in an old house with big windows, energy efficiency could be a problem. Especially during Texan summers they could really trap heat and eat up most of your air conditioning. So what is the best solution that you have apart from replacing these windows with new ones which is least viable and especially when you do not want to do away with the antique air of your house.

The first solution that would strike the mind is to that the windows are properly sealed. For this, you may use external shutters or heavy "night curtains" at peak sun times during the day. The same shutters could be used in the winters to trap the heat. But considering that you do not want to block the light coming through these windows and also installing such shutter may be a bit of expensive, this solution may not really fix your problem.

Another alternative could be to caulk the inside and outside mouldings. There are several companies that sell a clear plastic that goes inside of your entire window and seals it off to all drafts and some of the heat. But again may be you are looking for a much cheaper alternative and not a consultation from a company.

From the home made stuff and a much cheaper idea would be to use plastic. Try using a simple frame the same size as the window so that it would fit the window from the inside. You could then cover this frame with plastic. This way you could even take it or remove it whenever you wish. Apparantly this will be the cheapest alternative for you and worth trying.

Covering your window with a sheet of clear vinyl is another good idea.


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